• 220X220X300 mm print area
  • Is several orders of magnitude
    larger and faster than my
    old one.
  • Now Beto and I have the same
    3D system and can share notes!
  • I can now print numerous things 
    that I couldn’t in the past.
  • Did I mention it was fast?

Creality Ender 5-Pro

My wife heard me complaining about my old 3D printer and so she got me this beast for Christmas. I was blown away. So now I will be documenting all the fun I am having and all the cool new things I am learning about high quality 3D printing.

What I have done so far (Updated Jan 11th, 2021)
  1. Printed several add-on pieces. A cover for the back of the display and a cable strain relief for the bed heater cable.
  2. Built a Octoprint server on a spare Raspberry Pi I had. This makes sending files and keeping an eye on the printer MUCH easier.
  3. Printed a cool little free standing tool holder for all the tools that come with the printer.
  4. Printed a nose piece for my Covid Mask to stop my glasses from fogging. (It works pretty well, even with my Cyrano sized nose.)