Ancora Imparo

I am still Learning

I’ve always had a love for learning new things, or discovering why things work the way they do. When I first heard the phrase and understood the meaning, I was immediately connected to it. It has been variously attributed to Seneca and Michelangelo among others. 

Dancing Star
A dancing star I found in an arboretum, somewhere.


Where did Race come from?

When I was in my 20’s my hair started going white. Salt and pepper at first, and eventually all white.

Because I have done VIP protection and “other” things for the government over the years, someone pointed out that I was Race Bannon from the Johnny Quest cartoons of the 60’s.  The name stuck and I have embraced and use Race in some things, like this site. I don’t use the Bannon part for two reasons, one is that my last name isn’t Bannon, and the second is because there is a porn distributor who goes by the pseudonym of Race Bannon. I definitely do not want to be confused with that person!